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Adding your POGO campaign to your online store

Adding your POGO campaign to your online store is as easy as pasting our one-line embed code. It takes ~3 minutes at most.

These instructions will walk you through the steps on a Shopify store, but the steps are very similar for any store platform / software.


Once you’ve planned your campaign with our team, we will send you your single-line embed code. It will look something like this example:

<iframe src="" frameBorder="0" style="width: 100%; height: max(700px, 90vh)" frameborder="0" allow="payment; clipboard-read; clipboard-write; web-share" allowpaymentrequest></iframe>


Adding the POGO widget to your Shopify store

1. Login into your Shopify admin area (which is at

2. In the left hand menu, click on Online Store > Pages:

3. Click on the Add Page button, to create a new, blank page.

4. For this new page, enter a Title. Something generic like “POGO Campaign” is absolutely fine, or something a bit descriptive like “Donate to DEC for a discount” is good too.

5. On the content section, click the “<>” button, which will allow you to enter html code, rather than text – this is the key step!

6. Now, simply paste the embed code that we’ve sent you into the content area.

7. Hard work done, now just hit the Save button. (For bonus points, you can edit the website SEO to customise the page url, if you like.)


That’s it, your donation / campaign page is now live on the site. Congrats!

The next step is to add a site notice linking to this new page, add a banner and / or whatever elements you plan to use to promote your charitable campaign on the site and on social media.

Once saved, you can view the page by clicking the View Page button at the top right. It should look something like this…

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Schedule a time that works for you.

We'll answer your questions and show you how you can run a socially positive campaign, you and your customers are guaranteed to love.

Let's make a difference together.

Founder, POGO